
  “The vaquita is one of the smallest cetaceans in the world, averaging 150 centimeters in length and weighing just 50 kilograms.” Vaquita porpoise The vaquita porpoise ( Phocoena sinus ) is a beautiful cetacean belonging to the porpoise family , known for its tiny size . It is an endemic species of the Upper Gulf of California, and due to its small size , it is impossible for it to move long distances .   This species reaches just 150 centimeters in length and weighs just over 50 kilograms , thus becoming one of the smallest cetaceans in the world . Unfortunately , at present , there are only about 50 vaquita porpoises left in their entire habitat , which is why they are considered an imminently endangered species .   The current dire condition of the vaquita is primarily due to the illegal capture of the totoaba fish . Fishermen use nets that are two meters long and can weigh up to 120 kilograms